Comparative Analyses on Capitalization Rate between Domestic and External Valuation of the RealEstate 房地产估价资本化率的国内外比较分析及启示
Income approach is an important method to estimate the cost of real estate, it depends on two major parameters: net income and capitalization rate for correct application. 研究了纯收益和还原利率在实际应用中的若干问题,重点探讨了纯收益中包含的内容,尤其是否包含折旧,并介绍了确定还原利率的综合方法。
This paper expounds the methods for determining the capitalization rate during the process of evaluating the real estate, points out the problems existing in the practice, and advances some consummating measures. 阐述了评估房地产的资本化率确定方法,指出了实际运用中所存在的问题,提出了完善措施。
Research on the method in determining capitalization rate of price evaluation of sea area used 海域评估中还原利率确定方法的研究
The capitalization rate shall be calculated and determined in light of the weighted average interest rate of the general borrowing. 资本化率应当根据一般借款加权平均利率计算确定。
At the same time let us also realize that in addition to increasing the capitalization rate, there are other ways to control the banking risk. 同时也让我们意识到,除了提高资本充足率之外我们还有其他提升银行风险控制能力的途径。
Capitalization rate used to determine the amount of borrowing cost capitalization shall be disclosed separately. 用于确定借款费用资本化金额的资本化率应单独披露。
In view of input-output method being generally acknowledged riper in the world, when we evaluate mulberry field with input-output method income price of mulberry field is mainly determined by silkworm net income and capitalization rate for the land. 鉴于投入产出法是国际上公认的比较成熟的土地估价方法之一,利用投入产出法对桑园估价,桑园收益价格主要由桑蚕净收益及土地还原利率决定。
During reading the text book as well as the rules and specifications, the author found that there are some mistakes and uncertainty in the formula of overall capitalization rate. 作者在系统学习了系列教材与规范后,发现教材与规范中有关房地产估价资本化率公式中存在不妥之处,自有资金收益率存在不明确性。
As the indispensable important parameter in appraising of real estate, capitalization rate has significant influence on the price of real estate. 不动产还原利率作为不动产估价中不可或缺的重要参数,对不动产的价格有着显著的影响作用。
Based on the analysis to the problem of applying band-of-investment method, the suggestions of determining the capitalization rate by using band-of-investment method are provided by discussing the composing of capitalization rate. 基于对复合投资收益率法应用中存在问题的剖析,对资本化率的构成进行了分析,提出了利用复合投资收益率法确定房地产资本化率的建议。
Thus capitalization rate should not be determined independently and must match net income. 资本化率的确定不应该是孤立的,必须和纯收益的处置相匹配。
Based on the technical thinking and gists, the choice of capitalization rate and how to confirm its objective incomes were analyzed and the application of method of the income capitalization in the evaluation of the land of gas station was introduced. 在提出技术思路和要点的基础上,分析加油站土地估价中如何确定客观收益及还原利率的选择,并介绍运用收益还原法评估加油站用地的方法。
In order to promote regional sustainable development, several main ways to resolve problems of human resources are pointed out: ① to pay attention to capitalization of human resources and improve rate of investment. 为了促进区域可持续发展,重点提出了若干对策建议,包括①注重人力资源资本化,提高人力资本投资收益率。
Using integrated method of "Security Interest and Market Extraction" to determine the capitalization rate 论安全利率&市场抽取综合法确定资本化率
Anatomising the connote of capitalization rate and arising a view that capitalization rate should be the add of industry fiducial return and opportunity interest and less than industry IRR. 对收益法中的资本化率内涵进行了剖析,提出了资本化率应是行业基准收益率和机会利率之和,且小于行业内部收益率的观点。
On the matching of capitalization rate and net income 论资本化率与纯收益的匹配问题
Study of Capitalization Rate in the Appraisal of Real Estate 不动产估价中还原利率的研究
The analysis indicates that a capitalization rate of 8.01% can be taken for reference when evaluating housing projects in Guangzhou. 实证分析的结果表明,当前用收益法评估广州市住宅项目时,可参考8.01%作为资本化率。
The Essence of Capitalization Rate R and Its Determination 还原利率R的实质及其确定方法
In addition, the writer has pointed out the possible falsehood or impropriety while quoting real estate capitalization rate, and has clarified some ambiguous concept and improper understanding. 此外,笔者指出了在引用不动产还原利率时可能的谬误或不当,澄清了一些含混的概念和错误的理解。
Because of its sensitivity to the value of real estate, it is extremely important to use correct overall capitalization rate. 由于资本化率的高低对房地产估价值会造成很大的影响,所以在房地产估价中正确地求取资本化率就显得极为重要。
The paper introduced the method to determine earning, earning period, discount rate and capitalization rate by present value of earning. 就运用收益现值法确定加油站投资决策的相关参数,介绍了加油站收益、收益期、折现率及资本化率的确定原则和方法。
Using the Back-Propagation ( BP) of Artificial Neural Net ( ANN), putting in the main effect-factors of capitalization rate, and then the BP net will train thousands of times till the result go steady, that is the output of the net, capitalization rate. 将人工神经网络用于确定资本化率,输入影响资本化率的主要因素,利用BP网络的自适应学习的特点进行反复训练和自我学习,可得出趋于稳定的输出,即资本化率。
This paper is based on the point of risk and benefit, and we think that the capitalization rate should reflect the industry risk and specific project risk, which could truly reflect the real benefits produced by the real estate. 文章站在风险收益的角度,认为资本化率必须体现行业平均风险和项目特定风险,而不应简单以行业风险资本化率来进行评估,这样才能真实反映收益型房地产的风险程度。
The second chapter analyses the mechanisms of exchange rate influencing foreign capital flow, including wealth effect, production cost effect, capitalization rate, import and export effect, expectation effect. 第二章分析了汇率影响外资流动的机制,包括财富效应、生产成本效应、资本化率、进出口效应和心里预期等。
The paper first clarifies the connotation of economic growth and stock market development embodies three indicators: the capitalization rate, liquidity and volatility. 本文首先阐明了经济增长的内涵和能体现股票市场发展的三个指标资本化率、流动性和波动性。
This chapter mainly discusses the method of determining the capitalization rate. In fact, the capitalization rate is a capital returning rate, the higher the risk, the more the returns. 本章主要讨论资本化率的确定方法,资本化率实际上是一种资本收益率,与风险成正比,高风险必然要求高收益。
VAR model was established to measure the index of stock market development and growth rate for GDP. Impulse Response of GDP growth rate to shares fluidity, fluctuation and capitalization rate was analyzed. 构建了测度股票市场发展的指标与GDP增长率的VAR模型,进行了GDP增长率对股市流动性、波动性和资本化率的脉冲响应分析。
Econometric models were established between shares fluidity, fluctuation and capitalization rate and relevant macro variables. Main methods of econometric measurement used are Unit root test, Co-integration test and Granger causality test. 主要用到的计量方法有单位根检验、协整检验,构建了股票市场流动性、波动性和资本化率指标与宏观经济相关变量的计量模型。